Presentation Guidelines

1. General Information

2. Instructions for On-site Oral Presentations/Presentations as part of a Symposium

3. Instructions for On-line Oral Presentations

4. Instructions for On-site Poster Presentations

5. Instructions for On-line Poster Presentations

6. Guidelines for Uploading Videos

7. Guidelines for Uploading Files

8. Pre-recording your Presentation

9. Poster Printing Service upload instructions

1. General Information

EHPS 2024 will be a primarily in-person event with remote passive participation and limited additional interaction opportunities for some presentation formats.

We are hosting an in-person (on-site) meeting in Cascais (Estoril) and offer the option of passive on-line presentation with pre-recorded presentations or digitally uploaded posters with optional short, pre-recorded poster-presentations.

Every session on the program will take place in a dedicated physical room at the congress venue and will be live streamed (except the poster sessions) into a dedicated Zoom room. This way, each oral session can be attended physically and watched remotely. Posters will be digitally uploaded.

On-line presentations will be included in the regular program, and pre-recorded videos, prepared by each online presenter and posted on the conference platform, will be played during the in-person session.

Each room at the conference venue will be supported and attended through:

(1) The session chair (this person will introduce the sessions and speakers, ensure the speakers keep to time within a session, and manage questions and answers/discussion),


(2) A room manager (a person appointed by the Local Organizing Team to assist with practicalities within the room and assist if needed in managing online Q&A)

Delegates presenting an on-line presentation, either as part of a regular oral presentation session or as part of a symposium, will need to pre-record their presentation in advance of the conference and upload it to the conference platform. Instructions on how to do that can be found at the end of this page.

On-line presenters of 10-min presentations will be able to interact with others through the “Join the discussion” button on the conference platform and respond live to questions regarding their own presentation during the in-person session.

All poster presenters will be asked to upload a digital version of their poster to be available on-demand via the conference platform.

On-site poster presenters will present their poster on-site, and can optionally upload a short pre-recorded presentation on-line.

On-line poster presenters will upload a short pre-recorded presentation online, and can optionally have their poster printed by the organizers for a fee. These posters will be put up during the allocated on-site poster session by the conference organizers.

Conference session chairs, facilitators and discussants are required to be at the conference in-person (they cannot participate online).

The Conference Platform (where all submissions will be accessible) will be available to all registered participants.

A General Email with all the details needed to participate in the conference will be sent to all registered participants the week before the start of the conference.

Remaining time in each oral session can be used for discussion, which should be facilitated by the session chair.

2. Instructions for On-site Oral Presentations/Presentations as part of a Symposium

Before the Conference

You have twelve minutesfor your presentation slot (seven minutes for Give-me-5), including Q&A. You should time your talk for ten minutes (five for Give-me-5), which will allow two minutes for questions and discussion. It will be much easier for you to keep within your allocated time if you practice your presentation before the conference.

All rooms at the venue will be equipped with a laptop, which will be used for broadcasting each on-site presentation. Bring your presentation on a USB stick in PDF or PPT format and save a copy of your presentation in your email so that it is stored online.

Presentation Format: PowerPoint Presentation / Keynote / PDF format should be set to either 4:3 or 16:9 ratio (preferably 16:9). (for the optional conference template click here)

Make a note of the room and the time of the session in which you’re presenting.

At the Conference

Familiarize yourself with the room where you’ll be presenting.
Please arrive at the room where you are presenting a minimum of 10-15 minutes before the start of your session
For regular oral presentations (10 minutes), each 90-minute session typically contains seven presentations
For symposia, each 90-minute symposium typically contains five presentations (plus a discussant); each 60-minute symposium four presentations (plus a discussant)
For Give-me-5 and ECR spotlight talks, each 60-minute session typically contains eight presentations

A member of the organizing team will be in each room to assist with technical issues and to help you upload your presentation onto the laptop in use in that room, prior to the start of the session. Presentations from your personal laptops will not be possible.

Please save your presentation as “Name of Presenter_Date_Time_First four words of Title”. For example: Smith_24August_0900_RandomisedControlledTrialOf.pptx (or .ppt).
Introduce yourself to the chair of your session and confirm your name details and the title of your talk.
The physical rooms will be fully equipped with a computer, a camera, and speakers.

Since EHPS 2024 presentations will be live-streamed, we kindly ask you to be aware of the online participants and adjust your position and volume for their benefit as well.

Please do not exceed your allocated talk time of ten minutes (or 5 minutes). We know how difficult it is to keep to time when you are talking passionately about your research, your session chair will notify you with your remaining time at various intervals. We have instructed the session chairs to adhere to the timetable strictly.

Q&A will be coordinated by the session chair.
At the end of the session, please take any presentation materials away with you. Anything left at the end of the conference will be sent for recycling.

3. Instructions for On-line Oral Presentations

Before the Conference

Delegates presenting an oral presentation online are required to prerecord their presentation and upload it to the Conference Platform at by the 21st of August 2024 (Compulsory).

On-line presenters, like on-site presenters, have twelve minutes for their presentation. You should time your talk for ten minutes, which will allow two minutes for discussion.

The video should not exceed 10 minutes or 100 mb in size and should be made preferably with PowerPoint video, or as an alternative, with Zoom. Make sure that your contact details are visible long enough for on-site participants to be able to contact you.

Optional: If you wish you can also upload your presentation (PPT OR PDF) on our dedicated OSF Meeting page ( (for the optional conference template click here)

At the Conference

All presenters are required to attend their session online via Zoom. The conference platform will have buttons linking to each Zoom room so there will be no need for the organizers to communicate to you the URLs or codes of each Zoom room.

Your video will be played, through Zoom, by a member of the support team, and will be viewable simultaneously to both on-site and on-line participants of the session. Please stay muted during the play of the video.

After the play of your pre-recorded presentation, you can interact with the audience and answer questions by unmuting yourself (not possible for Give-me-5 and roundtables due to time restrictions)

Please see the instructions at the end of this page on how to record your video and how to submit your file.

4. Instructions for On-site Poster Presentations

Note: Recommended size is A0. Posters must be prepared as portrait, not landscape (see below for details).

Before the Conference

All onsite poster presenters are required to upload to the conference platform at by the 21st of August 2024 the following:

1. A pdf file of their poster, A0 size. (Compulsory)
2. A video presentation of their work, with file size no bigger than 100mb. (Optional)
If you wish you can also optionally upload your presentation (PPT OR PDF) on our dedicated OSF Meeting page ( to increase it’s visibility.

If you have ordered and paid for the printing of your poster you must upload the pdf file by the 15th of August.

Make a note of the room and the time of your poster session.

If you have not paid for the poster printing service through our registration system you will need to print your poster and bring it with you as the conference venue has limited printing facilities.

All poster sessions are interactive, so you need to prepare a brief and informal presentation. You will be expected to present your research in 3-4 minutes and answer questions on the content of your poster for a further 3-4 minutes.

We recommend that you prepare a handout with your details and your poster presentation (if possible, in an expanded form) to bring with you and give to interested delegates. Please print these and bring them to the conference since our venue will have limited printing capabilities.

Format of Your Poster

We recommend a size of 1188 mm high and 841 mm wide (DIN A0 size, portrait).

The font size of the title should be at least 80 points, bold face.

The font size of the section headers should be at least 32 points, bold face.

The font size of the body of the poster (abstract, introduction, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions) should be between 18 and 26 points.

Content of Your Poster

Focus your poster and your brief presentation on the following elements of your study: (1) Background – why?; (2) Methods – how?; (3) Results – what?; and (4) Conclusions – so what?

We recommend that you prepare the text of your poster as short sentences and paragraphs or even as bullet points and break up the text as much as possible with visual aids such as graphs, diagrams, tables, charts, or figures as appropriate. This should make your poster more attractive and easier to read.

Make sure that your title, author(s) and affiliated institution(s) are clearly visible at the top of your poster. It is common practice to include your institution logo on the left corner of your poster.

Your poster will receive a number in the scientific program, but you don’t need to print this number on your poster. You will need to be aware of this number, though, since your poster board in the room will have the same number.

At the Conference

Please put up your poster at the start of the day (morning) of your allocated presentation and session, as they are staying the whole day. There will be dedicated spaces for each poster session. A list of all posters, and respectively their allocated poster numbers, will be available at the entrance with position numbers allocated to each poster. Presenters should mount their posters at the numbered position allocated to them on this list. Delegates will receive their allocated poster number via email shortly before the start of the conference.

Your poster session will be an informal session without a designated chair, in which you are asked to give a short presentation (3-4 minutes) to interested delegates and respond to questions.

Please stay with your poster at the beginning of your poster session for at least 30 minutes to answer any questions from delegates.

For the benefit of all poster session attendees, QR codes for each poster will be made available in all on-site poster sessions next to the posters. This way, all on-site participants will be able to access the on-line posters as well via the conference platform.

Take your poster down at the end of the day. We will remove and recycle any posters left after the end of the poster session.

After you upload your material on the conference platform your work will be available for viewing and commenting through the “Join the Discussion” function for 3 months after the conference.

5. Instructions for On-line Poster Presentations

Before the Conference

All on-line poster presenters are required to upload to the conference platform at by the 21st of August 2024:
1. A pdf file of their poster, A0 size. (Compulsory)
2. A video presentation of their work, 3 min long with file size no bigger than 100mb. (Optional)

If you have ordered and paid for the printing of your poster you must upload the pdf file by the 15th of August.

The above material will be accessible to participants just before, during the conference and for 3 months after the last day of the conference.

Format of Your Poster

We recommend a size of 1188 mm high and 841 mm wide (DIN A0 size, portrait).

The font size of the title should be at least 80 points, bold face.

The font size of the section headers should be at least 32 points, bold face.

The font size of the body of the poster (abstract, introduction, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions) should be between 18 and 26 points.

Content of Your Poster

Focus your poster and your brief presentation on the following elements of your study: (1) Background – why? (2) Methods – how?; (3) Results – what?; and (4) Conclusions – so what?

We recommend that you prepare the text of your poster as short sentences and paragraphs or even as bullet points and break up the text as much as possible with visual aids such as graphs, diagrams, tables, charts, or figures as appropriate. This should make your poster more attractive and easier to read.

Make sure that your title, author(s) and affiliated institution(s) are clearly visible at the top of your poster. It is common practice to include your institution logo on the left corner of your poster.

At the conference

The local organizers can print your poster, for a fee of 30 euro and put it up in the poster session. This service is available for booking through the conference registration system.

Interaction between participants and presenters will happen through the “Join the Discussion” function available for each poster in the conference online platform. All participants will be able to comment or leave messages to the presenter through this field and each presenter will be able to respond to these comments if they choose to do so.

For the benefit of all poster session attendees, QR codes for each poster will be made available in all on-site poster sessions. This way, all on-site participants will be able to access the on-line posters as well via the conference platform.

Please see the instructions at the end of this page on how to record your video and how to submit your file(s).

6. Guidelines for Uploading Videos

To submit your file please Log in to our system and select the submission for which you want to submit your document.

Click on “upload presentation”. In the next screen, please upload the video following the parameters below:

Videos should be in mp4 format in 1280 x 720p resolution or less.

File size upload limit: 100MB

Maximum duration: Oral presentations: 10 minutes; Poster presentations: 3 minutes

Note: Videos not following the provided parameters in the guidelines will not be accepted.

7. Guidelines for Uploading Files

To submit your file please Log in to our system and select the submission for which you want to submit your document.

Click on “upload presentation”. On the next screen, please upload your file in pdf format. Posters should be a single page/slide in A0 (portrait) size.

Please remember that each submission is accessible by the person who originally submitted it. 

8. Pre-recording your Presentation

Instructions on how to record your talk (including voice over):


Please click here for further instructions and information on recording your presentation through Zoom.


First record your voiceover following these or these instructions
Then export your video including narrations following this guide
On export select HD (720p) as video quality
Deadline for video/poster uploading 21st of August 2024

If you have ordered and paid for the printing of your poster you must upload the pdf file by the 15th of August.

9. Poster Printing service upload instructions

    •  Your poster needs to be uploaded in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) on the submission platform, at, by the 15th of August.
    • On the 15th of August, all posters for which the printing service was selected, will be retrieved from the submission system, and inspected for the following:
      1. They need to be of the correct orientation (A0 portrait)
      2. The file which was uploaded can be used for printing.
      3. A file for printing has in fact been uploaded on the system.
    • On the 15th of August, any participant whose poster upload has an issue will be notified and asked to amend their poster upload.
    • On the 21st of August, all poster uploads for which the printing service has been selected will be retrieved from the submission platform and sent out for printing.
    • No changes will be possible after the 21st  of August.
    • If you have selected the printing service but have not paid it yet you need to do so by the 21st of August.
    • We will not accept booking of the printing service after the 21st even if this has been paid.
    • You can collect your poster printing from the Registration Desk at the conference venue. You need to ask for your poster printing by giving the submission number.
    • For online attendees, the poster will be mounted on the allocated position on the day of the presentation by the EasyConferences Staff.
    • You can make changes to your uploaded poster between the 15th and the 21st of August, even if your poster upload has no issues on the 15th. However, the retrieved files on the 21st which will be sent for printing WILL NOT be checked again for issues on that day.