COVID-19 Information

Please note: This year’s conference will be hosted at a working public university. This means that we will be sharing public spaces (corridors, lunch cafeteria, foyers) with staff and students. Even though the conference runs during the semester breaks, research and exam activities are ongoing. We monitor ongoing COVID-19 developments and will adjust the below information and recommendations if necessary. Currently, there are no legally binding measures in place that would affect the conference.

Specific information for the conference venue and features:

Ventilation: All conference rooms are ventilated through a central air conditioning system with filtered fresh air. Filters are ISO 16890 certified ePM1 Filter with 60% efficiency, this means that the filter has been tested and is known to remove 60% of particles in the size range 0.3 – 1 mm. For comparison, respiratory droplets and dried droplet nuclei are predominantly 1 mm in size and larger. In addition, many conference rooms can (additionally) be ventilated through windows and outside doors.

COVID-19 self-tests: We provide one self-test in each conference bag and encourage participants to self-test prior to attending the conference. More self-tests are available at the conference desk free of charge.
Poster presentations with more space and more rooms
We provide an outdoor coffee break option
Stay at home (or in your hotel room) if you are experiencing symptoms of any respiratory infection. Reduce contacts and wear a mask during unavoidable contacts with others. Do not attend or return to the conference!
Make sure your vaccinations against COVID-19 and influenza are up-to-date
Wear a surgical or FFP-2 mask in crowded indoor spaces
Ventilate regularly
If your talk or poster is affected by staying at home, we will find a technical solution to enable your participation online or via pre-recorded talks, even on short notice. Please contact the conference desk by calling the number 00357-97-889718. This number will be in use throughout the conference and will be answered at any time, day or night.