SYNERGY Expert Meeting

Expert Meeting
The annual Synergy Expert Meeting is organized to provide an opportunity for synergistic discussion between health psychologists conducting research in core fields of their discipline. It is an opportunity for researchers to present their research for in-depth discussion with other experts in the same field in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
The Synergy Expert Meeting is a satellite event of the EHPS conference and has its own registration procedure.
Practical Information
Mon 2nd and Tue 3rd of September 2024
Nadja Contzen
Jutta Matta
Lorraine Whitmarsh
Pricing: 250€
Research synergies for the future: Advancing environmental health psychology
Meeting Description
The promotion of environmental health, defined as that part of human health that is determined by the natural and built environment, requires the mitigation of and adaptation to environmental degradation. Individuals can contribute to mitigation and adaptation through behaviour change, the adoption of sustainable technologies or the support of sustainable policies and projects. Both environmental and health psychologists aim at explaining human-environment interactions and encouraging individuals’ contributions to mitigation and adaptation and bring complementary theories and methods to the table. Nevertheless, exchange between the two sub-disciplines is limited, which hinders mutual learning and synergetic advances in environmental health promotion. The main objective of the Expert Meeting is to bring environmental and health psychologists interested in environmental health together to facilitate exchange and mutual learning. The specific objectives of this EHPS SYNERGY Expert Meeting are to:
Discuss the theoretical and methodological state-of-the-art in environmental and health psychology relevant to environmental health promotion
Identify synergies and opportunities for mutual learning between the two sub-disciplines
Discuss the state-of-the-art in environmental health promotion practice as well as practitioners’ research needs
Generate a manuscript outlining a research agenda for environmental health psychology
Establish a network between environmental and health psychologists interested in environmental health
Nadja Contzen leads the environmental health psychology group at Eawag, Switzerland, and researches the factors underlying environmental health behaviours and public acceptance of sustainable policies and technologies particularly in the water domain.
Jutta Mata is Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Mannheim, Germany. Her research focuses on understanding individual and environmental factors that determine health behaviours – including behaviours with environmental co-benefits like eating.
Lorraine Whitmarsh is Professor of Environmental Psychology at the University of Bath, UK, specialising in perceptions and behaviour in relation to climate change – including behaviours with health co-benefits – as well as climate anxiety.
How can I apply?
If you’re interested in attending, please complete the application here.
When is the application deadline?
The deadline for applications is Sunday, 5th May 2024 (23:59 hrs GMT).