CREATE Interactive Workshop

Early Career Researcher Workshop
CREATE organises interactive workshops each year. Prominent experts within the field of health psychology are invited to lead these workshops. The overall aim of these workshops is to enhance knowledge and skills of early career researchers working in Health Psychology.c.
The CREATE pre-conference workshop is a separate format from the conference workshops, and registration follows its own procedure.
Practical Information
Mon 2nd and Tue 3rd of September 2024 (+ social activity on afternoon of Sun 1st September)
- Dr. Anna Levke Brütt
- Dr. Elspeth Mathie
Pricing: €140 (€100 if eligible for reduced fee)
Application: You can fill application form here:
Empowering Collaboration: Patient and Public Involvement in Health Research
Workshop Description
Unlock the potential of patient and public involvement in your research journey! Join the interactive CREATE workshop to integrate participatory elements into your projects. Delve into the dynamics of involving members of the public in research, explore real-world examples, and learn to navigate the complexities of patient and public involvement. We will cover the what, why, when and how of involvement and highlight how to include those communities not often heard in research. The workshop will equip you with an increased understanding of the benefits of involving those with lived experience and the practicalities of how to go about doing it. In this 1.5 day workshop, facilitated by Dr. Anna Levke Brütt (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany) and Dr. Elspeth Mathie (University of Hertfordshire, UK) you will have a chance to explore how patients and members of the public (experts by experience) can get involved in your future research.